Emotive children's photography in Austin, Central Texas country

June 08, 2014  •  3 Comments


Shopping in the Lucky Brand store, I read the cashier's tattoo once, then again. "The thing is...you think you have time."

Those words accompanied the week everything happened at once. Will left for Europe for three weeks, Lincoln finished first grade with the ever-exhuberant Miss Zabilka (she shares the honor of teaching Lincoln to ENJOY reading--along with sister Olivia), and on the 5th of June, Olivia turned ELEVEN and graduated from elementary school AND cousin Theo was born.

Along the way this year, I promised myself to join the kids in the cafeteria for lunch more often, to be the parent P.E. helper with Coach Deline, to be the parent reader on Friday, to invite more friends over and forge real relationships. The thing is, I thought I had time. I thought I had both the time to do all those things, and the time to put them all off for another day. And then Olivia was blowing out 11 candles and walking across the stage to accept her diploma. It all happened that fast--I still distinctly remember the first day of school! 

Happy 11th birthday, my dear Olivia. Congratulations on all your hard work and your many accomplishments as a Highland Park Scottie--and more importantly, as a human being! You are my love--my sweet, sensitive, amazingly smart, introspective, creative, soulful blessing of a child. I love you forever and always and with all that am. You are the child that made me see what was good within myself. And I am forever grateful to you for that. 

Honor yourself. Honor each moment. You are already so very special. No pressure. Just be YOU each day, and that is enough. No sense in pondering what could have been. Enjoy what is, enjoy what was, and look happily into the future for what will be. All my love.   

Olivia_11_elementary graduation07Olivia_11_elementary graduation07




gorgeous girl and beautiful image! happy birthday!
First of all, Happy belated birthday to this wonderful little girl! I know how you feel, the milestones just happen way to fast when you actually take the time to look back. Feels like five years ago was only a couple months. You photos of her are awesome, showing her innocence at such a pure age.
Mary Hughes(non-registered)
Lovely my dear, just lovely!
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